DARE network meeting against extremism in Oslo

How can human rights education (HRE) and education for democratic citizenship (EDC) prevent extremism and promote democratic participation among European youth?

This challenging and actual question is what 30 participants, representing 22 DARE member organisations from 14 European countries, is set out to explore during a three-days network meeting i Oslo from the 29th September to 1st October 2015. The overall aim of the seminar is to promote democratic participation and to prevent radicalisation among European youth. This will be achieved by developing new, and share already used, participating methods in the field of HRE/EDC, and to increase the awareness among European educational NGOs on how HRE/EDC can be used as tools in this regard. The network meeting also aim to encourage cooperation between the DARE members. Following the seminar, there will be made a DARE manual on EDC/HRE against extremism, which will reach out to a global audience. 



The project is funded by support from the EU program "Erasmus +: Aktiv Ungdom" (Active Youth). This information is the recipient's opinions and views. Neither the National Office for Erasmus +: Active Youth nor the European Commission may be held responsible for the content.

Prosjektet gjennomføres med støtte fra EU-programmet Erasmus+: Aktiv Ungdom. Dette materiellet inneholder støttemottakers meninger og synspunkter. Verken det Nasjonale kontoret for Erasmus+: Aktiv Ungdom eller Den europeiske kommisjonen kan holdes ansvarlig for innholdet.

Read more about the project here.  

About DARE

DARE (Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe) is a Europe-wide network of NGOs and other organisations devoted to raise the profile of Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC) and Human Rights Education (HRE), promote transcultural and transnational cooperation, and enhance the quality of education within these fields. The network currently consists of 48 members from 26 countries in Europe. DARE publishes the regular eDARE newsletter, reports and other publications. DARE aims at achieving recognition, visibilitity and adequate resources for EDC and HRE as a core obligation for the formal and non-formal education systems throughout Europe.